Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It really pisses me off when idiots can't yield when they're merging onto the highway. I've almost been killed several times by these people.


Anonymous said...

it happens from time to time but several times?! maybe you are the problem, learned how to merge properly! ;)

Anonymous said...

I understand! I hate it when people won't use their turn signals when they merge, and then get all pissy because I won't let them over. It's even worse when 18-wheelers do the same thing. I've nearly been killed a couple times because they figured they could just force their way over.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the person merging has the right of way...YOU are the one that should be yielding. If you've ever been skiing, it's the same "downhill" theory...you can see the person merging on the freeway before they can see you so perhaps you should just scoot your little ass over and let them onto the freeway like the nice person I'm sure you normally are. :)

Anonymous said...

No, the person merging onto the highway does not have the right of way unless there is specific signage. Most highway on-ramps in the US have Yield signs for a reason. Courtesy does not = law.