Monday, August 25, 2008

I really abhor when people who have a perfectly fine life complain 24/7, or say they're clinically depressed when they obviously aren't. My best friend does this whenever something doesn't go her way. Her mom wouldn't pay her cellphone bill and she went on and on about how all the bad things happen to her and she should just die and etc. There's bigger problems than that, dear!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I had a roommate like this! After losing her job, she whined and complained about being unemployed. How she had NO money, no gas, blah blah blah.

So, me being a good friend and roommate, and thinking 'how is she going to pay rent with no job?' I got her hired at a local restuarant to hold her over until something better came along....

well, now, every morning its "i dont wanna go to work...I hate my job...this job is stupid/lame or below me." Are you FREAKING serious?!? And has she made ANY effort to find something better? NONE. Girl, get over yourself and grow the F**K up.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Yes! I hate that so much!

I always just want to scream that everybody has issues. There are more important things than you and your boyfriend troubles.

And people that are always like "I've been so sad for the last five minutes, I must be depressed."

Anonymous said...

UGH yes. Makes me wonder what people like this will do with a REAL problem.