Saturday, December 20, 2008

It really pisses me off when customers in McDonalds treat me as if I am a complete imbecile because I am cleaning their tables or serving them their fries. These a***holes, think that it is fair to assume that just because I work in McDonalds that I am stupid and have no qualifications. It is simply a part time job! Do people serving at a bar receive this type of rubbish? No. So why should I have to put up with it? I have 10 GCSEs, 3 A levels and I'm in my second year of uni, I simply work at McDonalds to survive financially!!!


Anonymous said...

I completely understand! I work at starbucks, and I've gotten so many surprised looks when i tell them that i've lived in New York(I'm from a small town in mexico, where nobody really leaves this town), and in Rome.
i also speak 4 languages, and i only serve coffees because I can't afford the university I was attending in NEw York. I was there for 2 years, and just need 2 more to graduate, but it's too expensive...
so PLEASE don't feel superior when you see me picking up your trash and don't feel sorry for me.
and yeah, they think we're stupid for working in those places...if only they knew...

Krista said...

amen!! i work at arbys and i feel like this all the time.

Anonymous said...

It really, really pisses me off when people won't show their personality in case you don't like it. For god's sake, I'm not going to murder you for having an opinion!

Anonymous said...

Yep I work in a supermaket and have the same trouble. People can be so rude.

And some members of staff treat us (the undergrads) worse than the older members, just because they are jealous that our future isn't in Morrisons while they're stuck there...

Anonymous said...

I was a waitress in college and once got yelled at because someone's free chips weren't good enough. Now I'm a teacher and have been told to "go f* myself" a few times. It doesn't matter what you do. There will always be people that need to make you feel inferior because of their own insecurities.

Anonymous said...

Totally know how you feel. I work retail and people often treat me like shit until I articulately and diplomatically put them in their place. I've gotten REALLY good at being a bitch with a smile on my face these last 4 years.