Thursday, July 30, 2009

What pisses me off is when I'm having a great day and my best friend every time she's in a bad mood she brings me down too. She tells me depressing things about life or some other crap and somehow she always makes me unhappy. I hate that I let her do that to me. So I guess what pisses me off is myself, also.


Anonymous said...

I have a friend that did the same thing to me for my last 2 years of high school and for my first year of college. But I've found amazing people in college to be friends with and I've started to distance myself from that friend and now I'm so much happier. I feel like I can finally breath and be myself because I don't have her bringing me down.

Anonymous said...

Don't spend time with people who put you down. Life is too short to waste it with people who envy you and your happiness.