Sunday, October 18, 2009

You know what pisses me off ? That marriage has to be religious. Is a promise only legitimate if it's "blessed" or seen as "holy"? Declaring your love for someone doesn't have to have anything to do with God or Jesus, it can just be two people (heterosexual or homosexual) declaring to the world that they love each other so much that they are going to be with each other, and only each other, for the rest of their lives. And what legal rights do married couples have? Does that really matter when the love is so strong that they want the world to know it's real? Plenty of people who are married aren't religious, but they got married in a ceremony to show their love and share their happiness with others.


Anonymous said...

you should keep your thoughts to yourself.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the OP.

Anonymous above this should keep THEIR thoughts to his or herself.

Anonymous said...

marraige is a catholic tradition. so if your not catholic stay out of our traditions and beliefes. marraige is about making a promise between the other person and God. and is supposed to be between a man and a woman so they could bring new life. marraige is a sacrament.and the purpose of marriage is to create new life.